We had so much fun last week that we’ve decided to extend our small business book club to include another three that should make their way into your library.
Here are a bonus three suggestions that should improve your business’ prospects.
“Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us” (Daniel Pink) 256 pages
Business author Daniel H. Pink uses examples across business industries, academic achievements and personal goals to prove that we are driven by our internal sense of direction and free will. His opinion runs counter to conventional wisdom when he writes that typical rewards – such as more money – don’t satisfy and motivate everyone.
“Conquer the Chaos: How to Grow a Successful Small Business Without Going Crazy” (Scott Martineau) 240 pages
The title says it all, right? Martineau offers advice on ways small business owners can avoid having their jobs become all-consuming. “Conquer the Chaos” leads you through the six strategies you can incorporate to bring order to your business while also growing and finding success.
“Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action” (Simon Sinek) 255 pages
Even the best business owners sometimes lose their purpose. Sinek, an acclaimed author, motivational speaker and marketing expert, uses historical examples to show why keeping the focus on why we do what we do is the key to success. “Start With Why” should inspire business owners of all types about the importance of leadership and focusing on their passions.
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