With just a few days left in 2021, we hope small business owners already have their plans together for a successful 2022.
The world changed this year and you can be sure more adjustments are coming in the New Year. Here’s a look into a cloudy crystal ball for a few trends that your business will need to be prepared for as you roll into next year.
Remote work
In many businesses, the 40-hour week in the office is gone for good. Talented employees are becoming tough to find and harder to retain. Employers will have to give a little more than they did in the pre-pandemic days. One sliver of hope: Some employees would rather have a flexible work schedule than a big raise.
Contactless payments
These systems are credit cards and debit cards, key fobs, smart cards or other devices, including smartphones and other mobile devices, that use radio-frequency identification or near-field communication for making secure payments. Major credit cards have jumped into the field, which means your customers will be using them more often when they visit your business. Be prepared.
Video marketing
Remember our blog about the importance of videos in your marketing toolbox? Rest assured that need isn’t going away. Video marketing includes everything from snippets that you post on your social media to how-to discussions that you put on your website or email to customers.
Influencer marketing
People make a living doing this stuff? Yeah, and it’s wise to have them on your team. Online platforms and social media channels can help small businesses tell their stories to drive awareness and enthusiasm. Work with the right people and watch your engagement (and profits) grow.
Mental health awareness
The past two years have taken most of us out of our comfort zones. Combine that with supply-chain issues, uncertainties about COVID and more emphasis on work-life balance and your workers will continue to be under extraordinary stress. Your business must have policies in place that help employees when they are struggling.
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