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Small businesses should think big on Instagram

Small businesses should think big on Instagram

Many small businesses have a hole in their social media strategy: They aren’t using Instagram to its full effect. It’s understandable to a degree. Instagram still has an outdated reputation for being a home for goofy selfies and photos of food. It’s what the market...

Color yourself informed after reading this

Color yourself informed after reading this

Using color advertising is a great way to attract — or repel — an audience. Since we’re all in this to be successful, let’s concentrate on ways to appeal to potential customers. Anyone can just slap a color on a printed or online ad and be done with it. The simplest...

Five tips to planning a powerful presentation

Five tips to planning a powerful presentation

There are 3 P’s you should follow to create a powerful presentation: prepare, plan and practice. The 3 P’s will ensure the presentation is catered to the audience's needs and compiled in a way that is captivating. Know your audience. Understand how your topic is...

Facebook marketing tips for small businesses

Facebook marketing tips for small businesses

Small businesses can rejoice: You don’t need a massive Facebook marketing budget to make waves. Even if you only serve a local or regional market with your small business, Facebook is a solid channel for reaching a much larger audience to grab market share (and...

Proven methods for boosting customer retention

Proven methods for boosting customer retention

One mistake businesses often make is overlooking their existing customers in their quest to acquire new ones. Such an oversight can lead your current customers to the competition. While obtaining new customers should always be a priority, it’s the savvy business that...

Build your marketing strategy with minimal cost

Build your marketing strategy with minimal cost

As a small business, marketing often sinks on the priority list when it comes to budget and finding the time to dedicate to its cultivation. Luckily, there are simple and effective ways you can use to expand your marketing strategy without breaking the bank. Bring...

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